Valentine’s Day puppy printables for kindergarten

Valentine’s Day puppy printables for kindergarten are a cute, fun way for you to reinforce literacy and math concepts with little learners. Perfect for Preschool, Pre K, and kindergarten or homeschool.

Valentine's Day puppy printables for kindergarten
Valentine’s Day puppy printables for kindergarten
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My daughter is so excited for Valentine’s Day.

I understand why- it’s pink and sparkly and full of cute things and candy.

So when we take a break from the princess inspired units we are doing, we’ve been working on Valentine’s Day worksheets.

These adorable Valentine’s Day puppy printables kept us busy for a full day of homeschooling since it includes some handwriting tracing sheets and a bunch of math concept activities. You could even split it up over two days.

Valentine’s Day Tracing Pages for Preschool and Pre K

This packet includes 2 tracing pages to help with numbers and letters.

There’s a page full of capital letter tracing and a second page with number tracing from 1-5. Each sheet has adorable puppies little ones will love.

Puppy Matching Page

One of my favorite pages in this free printable is the puppy matching page!

Identifying objects that are the same is a skill that needs to be reinforced through kindergarten and what better way to do it than with sweet little dogs?

Before and After Number Activity

We have been really working on number order and recognition from 1-20 and the tens numbers to 100.

This Valentine’s Day educational packet includes a before and after number activity page perfect for reinforcing 1-20.

Valentine Addition and Subtraction

This packet includes one single digit addition page and one single digit subtraction page. Perfect for beginning math students!

Tip: if you are having a hard time teaching addition and subtraction, include some tangibles. You don’t need to use anything special. We use Goldfish, cereal pieces and sometimes M&M’s as tangibles when working with addition and subtraction and it really has helped my daughter master the concepts.

Symmetry Shape Worksheet

The last page of this packet reinforces basic shapes and symmetry with a shape tracing page.

Grab your free Valentine’s Day puppy printables for kindergarten!

Other Valentine’s Day Projects to Do with Kids

Other Seasonal Homeschool Printables

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