What I’m Wednesday 9
Welcome to the place where I share what I’m up to each week and a bit of my real life outside of the blog.

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I’m about 3/4 of the way through Well Met by Jen Deluca. This is hands down the most fun book I’ve read in a long time. The story is adorable and addicting. It’s a fun summer romp through a Renaissance Faire, which is the perfect setting as it provides a fantasy type backdrop in the real world. Plus, the love story. Oh am I a sucker for a good love story and I’m thoroughly enjoying this one. The author gives the main character and her love interest some serious chemistry without it being cheesy or over the top x rated. I often find that these types of stories can pull to the smutty x rated side and it makes me cringe when I read them, but this isn’t that at all. Just a lot of fun, like a great PG 13 rom com movie.
Side note: the love interest in the book plays a pirate in the Renaissance Faire. Why, oh why, am I a total headcase for pirates in guy liner as he is described? See also: Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time. My sole reason for watching all 7 seasons of that show which turned out to be pretty pointless at the end minus the oh so pretty Captain Hook.
Still watching the last season of Jane the Virgin, which is not pointless at all. It’s a lot of fun and so far, a satisfying way to wrap up this series. Also started Agents of Shield with my husband. We both are huge MCU fans but we are less than impressed with Agents of Shield so far. Does anyone watch it? Does it get better after the first few episodes?
I’m in this weird eating rut right now where I am sort of over a lot of the summer food and want all the fall food. Even though I want all the fall comfort food and can’t wait to dive into some parmesan garlic twice baked potato casserole and pumpkin curry, I’m making myself eat the summer produce and make things like this Italian cucumber tomato salad. I know I’ll miss it when its gone so I’m trying. It’s not going super well and I have had no idea what to have for dinner or lunch at any point in time.
I did make this really delicious Thai chicken salad from Pinch of Yum though. I have made this salad twice this summer and I’m obsessed. It’s got all the crunch and spice. Plus it’s super easy to throw it together and requires no actual cooking for those times when I just feel meh about dinner in general.
Oh hello you beautiful pumpkin spice drinks, you. Yesterday was my peak basic bit*h moment and I ordered all the pumpkin spice drinks at Starbucks. I do mean alllllllll of them. I needed to provide you with a basic bit*h guide to all things Starbucks pumpkin spice. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.
Also drinking, apple and pear sangria. It is the perfect end of summer cocktail. Details to come soon!
Doing for Fun
Daytripping! We took a spur of the moment daytrip to an amusement park last week. I’m not a huge amusement park person because I generally loathe rollercoasters and other rides that drop but it was a lot of fun. My daughter was overjoyed and there is nothing more fun to me than watching my kids have a great time. Riding with her on the merry go round was a treat. It felt like we were really squeezing every last drop of fun out of summer that we could.
Listening to
Taylor Swift’s Lover album. It’s embarrassing how much I love Lover, the song and the album. The song is hands down my favorite new song in a really long time and the album for me is one of her best. It feels like a return to her roots but a grown up version of that while still being poppy and fun.
A bunch of bright colored flowy racerback tanks. I found some on clearance in the junior’s section at Kohl’s and bought them in a bunch of different colors. Is it weird that I’m still shopping in the juniors department? I don’t really need the stuff in the women’s section because I work from home and live for comfy clothes in bright colors. I just accept that fashion wise I’ve never matured past a 15 year old girl.
Changing my hair and doing a merlot inspired color for the fall. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Looking for
A mindfulness challenge. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I have become that person who has adopted yoga into daily life. I’m at the end of my 30 days of yoga personal challenge and I have to say it’s been a life changing experience. No, I haven’t lost any weight or gotten insanely bendy. What I’ve gained is something better than that: a sense of balance and a way to release the tension and grief I carry around after living through the past year. Between an extremely difficult pregnancy, losing a child, having a preemie in the NICU, and surviving colic the weight of it all crushes me sometimes. My 10 minutes of yoga time a day has provided me a sense of grounding and a way to let some of the last year go even briefly. As a result, I’m a happier, more patient person. I snap less. It’s a good thing.
As my 30 days come to an end, I know I will keep up with my daily yoga habit, but I’d like to expand it. I’m looking for a good mindfulness challenge or activity, something to structure it and have it bleed over more into my life. I’d love any suggestions for some sort of program.