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…Currently Doing
Holding a sleeping, snoring baby in my lap while I write this. Unlike my daughter, my son almost never snuggles like this so I am not putting him down until absolutely necessary because baby snuggles are the absolute best. And he hasn’t fallen asleep on me since the beach so I am soaking this up. And also, baby snores are the most adorable thing ever. Up there with baby laughs and baby hiccups.
I’m about halfway through The Proposal. Thus far, it’s probably my least favorite of all the books I have read this summer. The plot is a good concept with a very public proposal gone wrong, but it’s just ok for me so far. I keep hoping it will pick up.
Now and Then! I watched it this weekend on Netflix and oh boy the nostalgia. I haven’t seen the movie since I was a teenager and I was shocked that I still remembered most of the words. It was one of my favorite movies growing up so it was a fun trip down memory lane.
Also… I’m almost embarrassed to admit this but My Little Pony. Goose has been super into it lately and as kid’s shows it’s not awful. Read more of our thoughts on it here.
So much salad. I made the best Greek salad over the weekend that I’ll be sharing next week. So good. I could eat it for days.
A ceramic Halloween tree!! I have the retro Christmas ceramic tree and think it’s adorable. This ceramic Halloween tree is right up my basic girl fall lovin alley. And it will also look pretty great with the Christmas tree we decorate for fall each year. Because I am that person. And I am not even a little sad about it.
…Committing to
30 days of yoga. I’m one week in today. So far I have done at least 10 minutes of yoga per day for the last 6 days before I go to bed. It has been such a good thing. Life changing. The time out to just be and stretch and take care of myself in a way that feels restorative really refills my empty cup each day. Since I’ve started doing this, I’ve noticed I am less crabby and much more patient. Plus, I am learning to just do things to do them rather than push myself to the limit. For example, last night I went on a run around 5:30. It was still very hot and humid and I don’t do well running in the heat. I tend to make myself sick because I don’t listen to my body and try to run for speed despite the fact that my body gets the chills and nauseous. Last night, I actually was about to run almost a mile longer and I ran a slower mile time each mile. Even slower than my distance run times. But instead of having to stop because I’m ready to throw up and shaking with cold because I’m so overheated, I finished my run and ran the whole time. It felt great too. Like a victory to get out of my head and just run to run and not try to push myself to be faster or run longer.