What I’m Wednesday 60
Welcome to the place where I share what I’m up to each week and a bit of my real life outside of the blog.

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Getting ready to make some massive changes to the blog- hence why I missed last week’s update.
We’ve been homeschooling our daughter this year and doing it is leading me in a direction that is really true to me. In planning what we are doing, I’ve started making things again outside of food items and I’m really excited to share them with you and a little bit more of our projects. I’ll be expanding on this very very soon. Stay tuned!
Dancing with the Stars. We’ve never watched it before, but we are watching it with our daughter and its fun for us all so that’s a win.
Also, Nate and I started Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and I really love it! It’s so much fun, but has all this heart. If you like musicals you must watch it!
My reading habits have been a mess lately. I’ve been coping with the 2020ness of the world by binge reading teen dystopian series after series. I’m currently reading one about cloned royalty. I don’t even know.
In other reading news, I’m super excited to pick up Well Played by Jen Deluca. Her rom com Well Met was my favorite read last summer and the sequel is sure to be fun. Her love stories are set in a small town Renaissance Faire and full of wit and humor. LOVE.
Oh hello soup season! Nice to see you. It’s been cool here so I’ve been doing all the soups. Minestrone, butternut, yum.
Oh gosh and pumpkin everything. I’ve been testing pumpkin bread and pumpkin alfredo and have finally perfected them so I can share them with you. Needless to say my house has smelled amazing lately. Almost as good as it smelled when I made 3 big vats of homemade apple cider, which btws… heaven. The only thing that could be better? Making apple cider, pumpkin bread and these cinnamon ornaments at the same time. My head might explode in a glitter bomb of contentment at the sheer coziness of it all.