Easy pumpkin patch brownies turn every day box mix brownies into the perfect Halloween brownies. The project is perfect to do with the kids for a fun fall activity.
1box of your favorite brownie mix- I used Ghiradelli triple chocolate
1/2cOreo crumbs
1/2cgraham cracker crumbs
1cuproughly half a can of your favorite vanilla buttercream frosting- storebought is fine
green food gel
pumpkin shaped candy
leaf and pumpkin sprinkles
Bake the brownies in a square pan according to the directions on the package. Let them cool thoroughly.
Mix together the graham cracker crumbs and Oreo crumbs. Sprinkle them on top of the brownies.
Mix 4-6 drops of food color into your frosting. Keep stirring until it the frosting is evenly green. Spoon it into a piping bag with a round tip. Pipe 3-4 rows of squiggly lines across brownies.
Then evenly place 9 pumpkin candies on the icing. Finish by sprinkling with pumpkin sprinkles and autumn leaves sprinkles.
You'll likely have leftover frosting and cookie and graham crumbs.You may need to adjust your ingredients based on your brownie mix.